Thursday, December 12, 2013

Easy way to make backlinks

So what is a backlink and why are they so important? Backlinks are a simple concept: when another website links to you that link is considered a backlink. Search engines look at backlinks to evaluate how popular a website is and rank them accordingly.
Each backlink is given a certain amount of “juice” based on it’s own reputation, history, and authority in the niche. Backlinks from established and legitimate websites are more effective than low-quality backlinks from websites with no credibility.

With all that said, if you want to rank for competitive keywords, you need backlinks.
Here are some ways to get easy backlinks to help rank your website:

Blog comment: Leave a comment on a blog that you read. That seems obvious, but recent trends seem to have people tweeting and "liking" instead of leaving actual comments. Bloggers appreciate comments and if your link is relevant then all the better.

Squidoo : Build a Squidoo lens. This is super easy to do and I think you'll be surprised at how much targeted traffic even a very simple Squidoo lens can get itself and how much it can bring to your website.
Yahoo Answers: Answer questions about your topic on Yahoo Answers. Add a link to your  to your answer of your site.
Guest Blogging:  Speaking of guest appearances, submit a guest blog post on a relevant blog in your niche. We all have times that we're busy and in need of content. If you have a well written article that you send to a fellow blogger and ask them to be a guest chances are they will welcome you with open arms. Be polite when you send your guest posting request, include at least a summary of the article if you don't include the full article. After they post the article, thank them and ask if they need any additional content.
Article Writing:  Article directories, or as Google refers to them as “content farms” did indeed get hit by Google very recently. This was due to blackhat SEO’s publishing garbage content, that made no sense and was likely spun using a tool. Although this changed the article directory’s traffic, it doesn’t change the quality of the link you’re getting back to your website. Getting these type of backlinks should not be your only method, and you should try to focus on getting more backlinks from unique root domains, than tons of links from the same website. If you’re doubting the effectiveness of article directories, just try it and the doubt will go away.

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