Thursday, December 12, 2013

Download free Seo tools Article Spinner

Quick Article Spinner unravels the treasure of creating several unique articles out of a single article. It involves a simple and quick process that rewrites inimitable articles and helps to escape the duplicate content penalties. Quick Article Spinner Features: * A vast library of synonyms to generate contemporary and unique content. * Flexibility to add your own options in synonym database to be spun. * Easy replacement of multiple occurrences of a particular word in the article. * Easy editing in various text editors like Word. * Easy control for the number of articles and their quality. *Instantly preview all your articles before finally generating them as a final output. * Increase your site growth & popularity by keeping it supplied with fresh content. * FREE customer support & software updates are also available. * Quick Article Spinner is inexpensive Content Recreation software * Phrase/sentence replacement feature is added.


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